Recruiter Training Services

Scripting Resumes provides Recruiter Training Services in Beginner /Advanced /Expert mode of Training (US/India/Europe/Middle East)

Advantages of Recruiter Training Services

  • We train recruiters to prepare Job Description with technology and experience given
  • We train recruiters to identity key points in the Job Description
  • Based on Key Points we train them to prepare Search Strings
  • We train recruiters to ensure they be portal independent
  • We train in using Linkedin in innovatively sending and replying mail /message communication
  • We train sourcing through Social media channel to identify passive talent
  • So to expand their sourcing strategies and increase talent pool
  • Make them more confident and independent
  • Our expertise in training recruiters on these geo’s : US, South & Latin America, Canada, Europe, Middle East, APAC locations


Training Process

  • Train them read between the lines on the job description
  • Train to take key points from Job Description
  • Train them to understand technologies so they are confident to prepare job description with skills and experience / skills with no experience
  • Train them in preparing Search Strings with Key points
  • We set curiosity in recruiters to keep them learning